The Barriers of Enabling Your Med Devices or Mobile Health Apps for Virtual Care

You spent millions of dollars creating the most innovative medical devices and the most patient-friendly mobile health apps. Now you need to connect your patients with their coaches and providers for timely care – you need a provider portal that costs an average of $500k-$1M+ to build, and thousands more monthly to run.

In addition, providers will expect your help with virtual care operations, including insurance eligibility checking, claims coding, and training the office managers and associates.

Companies often realize too late the extent of the barriers: complex insurance eligibility and billing time,  burdensome operational lift required to mobilize a geographically distributed care team, quality care coordinator scarcity within the US, competitors are moving full speed ahead to capture patients through virtual care.


Go to Market Fast and Cost-effectively with Provider Portal from LucidAct Health

You can launch and scale quickly with LucidAct.  We help you set up a secure API-based data feed from your devices or apps and optionally provide a network of credentialed care coordinators and nurses.


Easily Customize Workflow and assign tasks for the Care Team

Consider LucidAct workflow module as Trello for Healthcare teams, easy to assign tasks and get notified across the entire patient care journey

Your self-managed Provider Portal supercharges care delivery:

  • Guide the remote care team with timely tasks based on the care delivery workflow you design or customize

  • Enable symptom tracking and timely patient engagement

  • Generate productivity and task management reports 

  • Support API-based data integration


Get Paid Faster with Streamlined Claims Processing

Consider LucidAct payment module as Stripe for Healthcare payment, removing the inadequate or outdated insurance phone tags with digital solutions

Your Provider Portal automates insurance claims:

  • Simplify the Medicare RPM reimbursement process

  • Get real-time Medicare CCM and RPM reimbursement estimation 

  • Provide Medicare Part B claims status

  • Leverage our APIs to easily integrate with your platform


Analyze and demonstrate your device/app outcome and patient engagement opportunities

Providers are able to easily access your data and analytics on patients outcomes and engagement

  • LucidAct helps you integrate with provider EMRs

  • Captures a wide range of clinical outcome and makes it easy to assess real-world efficacy of the device/app

  • Feed analytics back to device/app developers via API


Increase sales through our existing customer network

Your Provider Portal is your sales channels

  • Get introduced to our existing customers: large health systems, independent clinics, ACO, IPA, and senior living facilities

  • Start a pilot

  • Scale your patient base

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